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Remote Operating System
Steven Fox
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Remote Operating System - ROS System Operations Guide
Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 by Steven Fox. All rights reserved.
You may freely copy and distribute this software and documenta-
tion only in its original, unmodified state.
Free, public access bulletin boards are welcome to use this
system without charge. Systems which assess a fee are considered
commercial. The license fee for commercial and govenmental or-
ganizations is $35 (an invoice is provided at the end of this
document). Commercial distribution and site licenses are avail-
able. Other than reasonable copying charges, no remuneration may
be accepted by any party other than the copyright holder.
Please refer all inquiries and comments about ROS to
Albuquerque ROS
300/1200/2400 bps, no parity, 8 bit characters, 1 stop bit
License fees should be sent to
Steven Fox
2112 White Cloud NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
1. HISTORY AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................1
2. MINIMUM SYSTEM.............................................2
3. FILES......................................................3
4. INSTALLING ROS.............................................4
4.1. Message and file area control file - AREA.ROS.........4
4.2. ROS configuration file - CONFIG.ROS...................7
4.3. Troubleshooting the modem interface..................13
4.4. System message file - SYSMTXT.ROS....................13
4.5. Other files used by ROS..............................14
5. USING THE SYSTEM..........................................15
5.1. Logging in the first time............................15
5.2. Status line..........................................15
5.3. When ROS is idling between users.....................16
5.4. Local console commands...............................16
5.4.1. Using ROS locally.............................16
5.4.2. Direct connection.............................16
5.4.3. Delayed disable...............................16
5.4.4. Disable remote I/O............................17
5.4.5. Sysop initiated CHAT..........................17
5.4.6. Signal key....................................17
5.4.7. Twit key......................................17
5.4.8. Shutdown ROS..................................17
6. MAINTENANCE...............................................18
6.1. Sysop Sub-system.....................................18
6.2. <A>udit trail toggle.................................19
6.3. <C>opy file..........................................19
6.4. <D>elete file........................................19
6.5. <E>dit user record...................................19
6.5.1. <D>elete record...............................19
6.5.2. <E>dit record.................................19
6.5.3. <N>ext record.................................20
6.5.4. <P>revious record.............................20
6.5.5. <Q>uit edit session...........................20
6.5.6. <R>egistered record...........................20
6.5.7. <S>elect record...............................20
6.5.8. <V>alidate record.............................20
6.6. <L>ist system files..................................20
6.6.1. <A>ll system files............................20
6.6.2. <L>og file....................................21
6.6.3. <M>essages....................................21
6.6.4. <Q>uit........................................21
6.7. <N>ewin file edit....................................21
6.8. <O> Macro operations.................................21
6.9. <P>urge files........................................23
6.10. <R>edirect file.....................................23
6.11. <S>ystem directory..................................23
6.12. <T>oggle printer....................................23
6.13. Other commands available to the sysop...............24
6.13.1. <F>ile Transfer System......................24
6.13.2. <M>essage System............................24
6.13.3. <U>tility System............................24
6.13.4. <G>oodbye (logoff)..........................24
6.13.5. User command enhancements...................24
7. SECURITY..................................................26
8. OTHER VERSIONS OF ROS.....................................27
8.1. ROS Index Builder - RIB..............................27
9. ROS USAGE AND PROBLEM REPORT..............................28
10. INVOICE...................................................30
4-1: Simple modem initialization command string...............12
4-2: Complete modem initialization command string.............12
6-1: Sysop Sub-System.........................................18
3-1: Files included with ROS-PC................................3
3-2: Files required for conversion from ROS version 3.5........3
4-1: AREA.ROS file (split between columns 62 and 63)...........5
4-2: Positional fields in AREA.ROS file........................5
4-3: Required entries in AREA.ROS..............................6
4-4: Configuration Parameters..................................8
4-5: Configuration Parameters (continued)......................9
4-6: Configuration Parameters (continued).....................10
4-7: Configuration Parameters (concluded).....................11
4-8: Files used by ROS........................................14
ROS System Operations Guide
The original SJBBS, written in Xitan Basic by Howard Moulton, was
adapted to MBasic by Bruce R. Ratoff. Modifications to this
system were made by Bruce Ratoff, James Underwood, Ron Fowler,
Brett Berg, and many, many others. James Whorton and Eddie H.
Curlin converted RBBS to Turbo Pascal (copyright Borland Interna-
tional) in 1984 and called the system TPBBS.
ROS version 1.0 (originally released as "TBBS23" but changed to
"ROS" to avoid confusion with TPBBS with which it shares no code)
was written by Steven Fox using ideas gathered from these systems
and from others operating on a wide variety of computers. Ver-
sion 2.0 used indexed file support using B+ trees. Version 3.0
incorporated all the communication and file transfer functions to
eliminate the need for support from programs such as "XMODEM" and
"BYE." Though originally tied to CP/M-80, modified versions were
made to run under other operating systems. Version 3.5 was built
to operate under PC DOS. Version 3.6 provides improved archive
support as well as several new functions for the sysop.
ROS would not have been possible were it not for the work of the
many individuals dedicated to making the concept of public access
telecommunications work.
ROS System Operations Guide
ROS version 3.6 is designed to operate on an IBM PC, or very
compatible computer, with at least 128K of memory. Version 2.0
or later DOS is required. No support programs are required when
ROS is running, though file and text managers such as CWEEP, ARC
and PC-WRITE are useful for some off-line maintenance functions.
ROS has been tested under versions 3.1 and 3.2 of PC DOS and is
aware of some multi-tasking operating shells such as DESQview.
ROS System Operations Guide
Table 3-1 lists the files that are included with this version of
ROS. Table 3-2 lists the files that are needed to update pre-
vious ROS. These files will also serve as the prototype for
conversion from systems other than ROS.
ROS.COM Main executable code for ROS
ROS.000 Overlay files
RIB.COM ROS Index Builder
AREA.ROS Sample area file
CONFIG.ROS Sample system configuration file
MACROS.ROS Sample macro file
SYSMTXT.ROS Sample message file
RO-PIF.DVP DESQview program information file
ROSUSR.DOC User's Guide
ROSOPS.DOC System Operations Manual (this document)
Table 3-1: Files included with ROS-PC
ROS35-36.COM ROS file conversion utility
ROS36.NEW Text file describing the changes to ROS
Table 3-2: Files required for conversion from ROS version 3.5
ROS System Operations Guide
ROS is already installed for the display on most IBM and compat-
ible computers and does not require a graphics or color adapter.
Three text files are used to match ROS to your message and file
structure, modem, and personal preferences.
The first of these three files, "AREA.ROS" describes the message
and file structure, i.e. what message and file areas are avail-
able and what access levels are required. "CONFIG.ROS" contains
many parameters to set the system limits. The third file,
"SYSMTXT.ROS" is the system message file. It contains the mes-
sages, bulletins, and menus sent to the user during various
phases of operation. Each file is described in more detail in
the following sections.
The only change that you should have to make to your system is to
include the statement "FILES = 20" in your CONFIG.SYS file. This
will allow ROS to open all the files it needs to operate. If you
already have a "FILES" statement with a value greater than 20,
you don't need to change it. Please refer to your DOS manual for
more information about the CONFIG.SYS file (not to be confused
with the CONFIG.ROS file).
4.1. Message and file area control file - AREA.ROS
The message and file area control file, AREA.ROS is used to
control access to specific file and message areas. A sample of
the area file is shown in table 4-1. Table 4-2 lists each field
and the field positions.
The entries shown in the table 4-1 are expected by ROS and must
be present in the area file. The message area for POST and the
directory path to LOGIN and NEWIN may be changed to any value.
The access levels for these entries may also be set to any value.
Table 4-3 describes each of these entries in more detail.
ROS System Operations Guide
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6
MAIL Mail addressed to you
SENT Mail and messages you have sent
WORLD Public messages from all areas
SYSTEM System wide message access
POST Trading Post - Buy, Sell, Trade
LOGIN Login area
NEWIN ** New uploads **
Column 7
10 0
10 0
10 0
255 0
10 1
Table 4-1: AREA.ROS file (split between columns 62 and 63)
Area name 1-12
Area description 13-62
Access level required 63-65
Must be blank 66
DOS directory path, or 67-131
Message area number
Table 4-2: Positional fields in AREA.ROS file
ROS System Operations Guide
MAIL When the user logs into this message area, ROS will
build a list of the mail addressed to that user.
The message area number should be "0" and the
access level should be set low enough that unvali-
dated users have access.
SENT This message area is used to access messages and
mail the user has sent. The message area number
and access level should be set as in "MAIL."
WORLD This is not a single message area but a cross-
section of the various message areas to which the
user has access, not including "MAIL" and "SENT."
The access level is ignored. Instead, ROS uses the
access level for each individual message area to
determine if the user has access to a message. The
message area number should be "0."
SYSTEM This message area is special since ALL mail and
messages, regardless of the sender and addressee,
(including those that have been deleted but not yet
purged) will be included. THE ACCESS LEVEL OF THIS
NOT HAVE ACCESS. The access level defined for
"AltSysop" (see CONFIG.ROS) is recommended.
LOGIN This is the file area that every user "sees"
initially. The access level should be set low
enough that new users have access on their first
call ("0" is recommended).
POST This is the message area that every user "sees"
initially. The access level should be set low
enough that new users have access on their first
call ("0" is recommended).
NEWIN This is the file area into which uploads will be
placed. The access level of this area may be any
Table 4-3: Required entries in AREA.ROS
ROS System Operations Guide
NOTE: AREA.ROS should NOT have extra lines after the last line of
information. In addition, unlike the system message file de-
scribed in section 4.4, ROS cannot process high-order bits in the
text of this file, so an editor must be used which does not use
these bits. WordStar, in non-document mode, or other commercial
and public-domain editors may be used.
4.2. ROS configuration file - CONFIG.ROS
Table 4-4 lists the parameters which tailor ROS for your system.
These parameters should be consolidated into the file CONFIG.ROS
which will be interpreted during the initial startup - while the
signon window is displayed. The file consists of entries with
two components: the parameter and the value. In addition, com-
ments, starting with a semi-colon (";"), may be freely included
in the file. If a parameter is not included in the file, or if
the file is not found, ROS will use a default value for each
parameter not explicitly described.
ROS System Operations Guide
Parameter Default Notes
SysName Name to be listed in the system
HDPark 0 Number of hard disk drives to park
(seek to an unused track) when wai-
ting for a caller. This value may
be set to "0" (to inhibit the park
function), "1", or "2" (to park 1 or
2 disk drives).
TimeoutShort 60 Short timeout in seconds. This is
the period allowed callers to com-
plete their login and the length of
time to wait for a keystroke during
the login process. Since many users
will set their modem on auto-dial
and leave, it does not need to be
very long.
TimeoutLong 300 Long timeout in seconds. This is
the period ROS will wait for a key-
stroke once the user has completed
the login process.
DefAcc 10 New user access level. This is the
access level assigned to first-time
RegAcc 11 Registered user access level. This
is the access level assigned to the
user when the registration informa-
tion is completed. ROS does not
check for content during the regi-
stration process, only that the user
at least tried.
ValAcc 20 Validated user access level. This
is the access level assigned when
the <V>alidate user command is se-
lected from the sysop sub-system.
DirAcc 20 System directory access level. File
areas with this access level or
lower will be included in the system
directory. Normally this will be
the same as "ValAcc" (above) but
there may be special situations
which require this flexibility.
Table 4-4: Configuration Parameters
ROS System Operations Guide
AltSysop 250 Alternate sysop access level. Users
with this access level or higher can
perform any operation on the system
except <C>opy and <D>elete files in
the sysop sub-system.
PriSysop 255 Primary sysop access level. Users
with this access level or higher
(255 is the limit) can do anything
on the system.
LPDAcc 250 The time limit is per day for users
below this access level. At or
above this level, the limit is per
DefTime 15 Default time limit. This is the
time allotted first time callers.
ValTime 45 Time limit for validated users.
When users are validated, their
access level will be increased to
this value.
DefChars 80 Default characters per line. This
value will be inserted in the user
record as the number of characters
per line. The user can change this
value in the Utility sub-system.
DefLines 23 Default lines per page. Similar to
DefMsgArea POST Default message area. Until changed
by the user, this will be the
message area they first see when
calling the system.
DefFilArea LOGIN Default file area. Similar to
ChatStart 19 Chat period start time. From this
hour (24 hour clock) until "ChatEnd"
ROS will signal the sysop by ringing
the console bell when the user re-
quests chat from the Utility sub-
system. During other hours, ROS
will just offer to save a message.
ChatEnd 22 Chat period ending time.
ChatSignals 10 Number of times to signal local
console. Each attempt takes
approximately 6 seconds.
Fence | Character between directory columns.
It can be any printable character,
including a blank (" ").
Table 4-5: Configuration Parameters (continued)
ROS System Operations Guide
UnvDays 7 Days to retain unvalidated user.
When the sysop function to <P>urge
users is selected, ROS will delete
all unvalidated users that have not
called the system in "UnvDays."
ValDays 180 Days to retain validated users.
Similar to "UnvDays" but for vali-
dated users. For more information,
refer to the sysop <P>urge command.
ReadDays 10 Days to retain read, undeleted mail
(private messages). Mail that has
been read but not deleted will be
purged this number of days after
UnrdDays 90 Days to retain unread, undeleted
messages. Any message, public or
private, will be purged this number
of days after entry.
MaxTries 3 Max number of tries for password.
If the user cannot enter their pass-
word in "MaxTries" attempts, ROS
will offer to leave a message and
then disconnect.
CharMask 7 Text may either be stripped to seven
bit characters or left alone. If a
text editor, such as WordStar in
document mode, is used for
SYSMTXT.ROS, "7" bits should be used
to prevent sending non-ASCII
characters. If eight-bit graphics
characters are desired, "8" should
be selected.
ComPort 1 Port to be used for all modem I/O
(either "1" or "2" may be used).
ComParity N Parity to set port. The following
characters may be used:
"N" => None
"E" => Even
"O" => Odd
ComLength 8 Number of bits in characters to be
received and transmitted.
ComStop 1 Number of stop bits in each
CmndReset AT Z{ Modem reset string - sent ONCE at
RespReset OK Expected response string from modem
to indicate successful reset.
Table 4-6: Configuration Parameters (continued)
ROS System Operations Guide
WaitReset 5 Seconds to wait before assuming
CmndInit AT E1 H0 Q0 S0=0 V1 X1 {
Modem initialization string - sent
before EACH call to ensure the modem
is ready for the next call.
RespInit OK Response if successful.
WaitInit 5 Seconds to wait for success.
CmndBusy AT H1{ Make line busy.
RespBusy OK Response if successful.
WaitBusy 5 Seconds to wait for success.
CmndLocal ~~~+++ Return modem to local mode (escape
RespLocal OK Response if successful.
WaitLocal 5 Seconds to wait for success.
CmndHangup AT H{ Disconnect - hangup.
RespHangup OK Response if successful.
WaitHangup 5 Seconds to wait for success.
RespRing RING Ring signal detected.
WaitRing 2 Seconds to wait for success.
CmndAnswer AT A{ Answer call - pick up phone.
RespAnswer Response if successful.
WaitAnswer 5 Seconds to wait for success.
RespConnect CONNECT 1200 Connect message. This is the first
of three baud rates supported by
ROS. In addition to being used for
communication with remote users, it
will be used for off-line communica-
tion with your modem and should
usually be the fastest speed the
modem can handle.
RateConnect 1200 Rate to set the communications port
when this message is received from
the modem.
RespConnect CONNECT Connect message.
RateConnect 300 Rate to set for this message.
RespConnect CONNECT Connect message.
RateConnect 300 Rate to set for this message.
WaitConnect 35 Seconds to wait for connect message.
RespError ERROR Error in command execution. This is
the message sent by the modem when
an error is detected.
Table 4-7: Configuration Parameters (concluded)
ROS System Operations Guide
In the modem command strings described in table 4-4, a left brace
("{") is used to send a carriage return to the modem. A tilde
("~") causes a delay for 1/2 second before continuing. For
example, "~~~+++" delays for 1 1/2 seconds, and then sends "+++"
to the modem. Command strings may be up to 40 characters long,
responses may be as long as 12 characters.
The simple modem initialization string listed in table 4-4 for
"CmndInit" works on many modems. Figure 4-1 gives a description
of each element in the string. More sophisticated modems may be
able to handle the initialization string described in figure 4-2.
|get modem's attention
| |modem should echo characters when off-line
| | |ensure phone hung up
| | | |return result codes ("Resp---")
| | | | |disable auto answer
| | | | | |verbose result codes
| | | | | | |enable extended command set
| | | | | | | |command termiator
AT E1 H0 Q0 S0=0 V1 X1 {
Fig. 4-1: Simple modem initialization command string
|get attention
| |echo commands
| | |ensure phone hung up
| | | |return result codes
| | | | |disable auto answer
| | | | | |time to wait for DCD
| | | | | | |return verbose result codes
| | | | | | | |extended command set
| | | | | | | | |speaker off
| | | | | | | | | |command terminator
AT E1 H0 Q0 S0=0 S7=15 V1 X6 M0 {
Fig. 4-2: Complete modem initialization command string
Some modems respond with "OFF HOOK" when issued the command
"ATA". Those that do may need the following definition:
RespAnswer OFF HOOK Response if successful
ROS System Operations Guide
4.3. Troubleshooting the modem interface
The single most troublesome area of installation will almost
certainly be getting the modem to work properly since
"compatible" modems almost never are. Even different models made
by the same manufacturer frequently respond differently to com-
mands. Sometimes the differences are marked, such as "NO DIAL
TONE" instead of "DIAL TONE." More often, the differences are
subtle, such as whether the modem returns a CR/LF before and
after verbal responses. One modem does on some responses and not
on others. Another modem even changes baud rate WHILE IT IS
SENDING the response to the computer! ROS is designed to be
robust in the way it handles the modem and "hooks" are provided
to be able to get to almost everything the modem and ROS need.
Nonetheless, experimentation will almost certainly be required to
get a new modem operational. Start with the simplest command
string that works and add to it if necessary. Usually, the
initialization string will require the most work. Except for the
reset string ("CmndReset"), all commands should be echoed by the
modem so that ROS can verify correct reception.
To assist in setting up your modem, the command line parameter
"/h" may be used to open a two line window at the top of the
screen. In this window, ROS will display all ASCII characters
that are sent to and received from the modem. When you are
satisfied that ROS and the modem are communicating properly, just
start ROS without this parameter.
4.4. System message file - SYSMTXT.ROS
SYSMTXT.ROS, the system message file, should be edited for your
particular system. A sample file is included as a guideline.
ROS can process SYSMTXT.ROS files created by text editors - such
as WordStar in document mode - which use the high bit of charac-
ters. When ROS is started, it looks for SYSMIDX.ROS. If found,
it will be used as an index into the text file. If it is not
found, ROS will create it from SYSMTXT.ROS. When you change
SYSMTXT.ROS, ROS will detect the changes and automatically re-
Since many messages are used during operation, SYSMTXT.ROS is
divided into sections. Each section starts with a colon (":") in
column one, followed by a unique two character identifier.
Please refer to the sample text file for all the identifiers
currently recognized.
ROS System Operations Guide
4.5. Other files used by ROS
When the area, configuration, and system message files are ready,
ROS can be started. If it cannot find the files it expects, it
will create them. Table 4-5 lists the files ROS uses and a brief
description of their function.
AREA.ROS See section 4.1 for a complete description
CONFIG.ROS See section 4.2 for a complete description
SYSMTXT.ROS See section 4.4 for a complete description
LOG.ROS Log of activities on the system.
MACRO.ROS This is a text file that may be edited outside
of ROS or with the macro functions in the
sysop sub-system. Since most communication
packages now include scripts, macros, or the
equivalent, ROS only supports this feature for
the sysop.
MESSAGE.ROS This file contains the text of messages and
SUMMARY.ROS This file contains the header and subject
information for the messages and mail.
NEWIN.ROS This file contains the descriptions for files
uploaded to the system. It is displayed using
the <N>ewin command in the file sub-system and
is edited using the <N>ewin command in the
sysop sub-system.
STATS.ROS This file contains the various counters used
by ROS to keep track of users, callers, time
usage, etc.
USERDAT.ROS These are the user records. To conserve disk
space, "SUMMARY.ROS", "NEWIN.ROS", and
"LOG.ROS" maintain pointers into this file
instead of storing the entire user name.
USERIDX.ROS This is the B+ index file into USERDAT.ROS.
Table 4-8: Files used by ROS
ROS System Operations Guide
ROS expects to find all files in the file area (sub-directory) in
which it first starts. It is here that the user files, log file,
etc. will be maintained. Since ROS provides the sysop with full
control over who has access to this area through access level,
two methods protect the ROS system files from users:
1. do not include this area in the AREA.ROS file, or
2. set the access level of this area sufficiently high
(such as 250 or higher).
In a similar manner, other private areas of the disk system can
be protected from users. In the example AREA.ROS file, "ROSRUN"
can only be accessed by the sysop. Other users will not even
know the area exists.
5.1. Logging in the first time
CAUTION: It is very important that you log in using the name
"sysop" before making the system available for others to use.
Since there are folks out there that will try to log in as sysop,
if you have not set your password, they will set it for you and
will consequently have full sysop level access!
When you run ROS the first time, it will create the files it
needs (even if you are converting from a previous CP/M system,
ROS will still need to make some files). ROS will signon and let
you know what files it is making and then get the modem ready.
When the message "ROS ready..." appears on the status line, ROS
is in an idling state and is ready for one of two actions:
1. a signal from the modem indicating an incoming call, or
2. a command from the console indicating a local user.
To log in locally, press the carriage return (refer to section
5.3.2 for additional information). After the "FIRST name>"
prompt appears, enter "SYSOP" as your first name. This is a
special name ROS recognizes and will inhibit display of the "LAST
name>" prompt. Since this is the first time you have been on the
system, ROS will prompt for a password - enter one of your
choice. You are now logged into the system. As the sysop, you
are automatically assigned an access level as defined in
CONFIG.ROS for "PriSysop."
5.2. Status line
When a user is logged into ROS, a status line of the following
form will be displayed:
Name | City, State | Access level:Time on-Time left | Time of day
ROS System Operations Guide
5.3. When ROS is idling between users
When ROS is idling, i.e. waiting for a call, the CRT screen will
be cleared and a "pulse" indicator will flash to indicate that
ROS is operational.
5.4. Local console commands
The local console has several commands, entered by function keys,
that may be used while the system is idling and while a user is
logged in remotely. In either condition, pressing function key
"F1" will display a list of the commands that ROS will accept.
If ROS is idling, pressing this key will display the following on
the status line:
F10: Shutdown, C/R: Local use
If the command line parameter "/d" was included when ROS was
started, the following will be displayed instead:
F2: Direct, F10: Shutdown, C/R: Local use
If a user is logged on remotely, pressing "F1" will display the
following on the status line:
F3: Delay, F4: Remote, F5: Chat, F6: Signal, F9: Twit
These commands are described in the following sections.
5.4.1. Using ROS locally
C/R When ROS is idling, pressing the C/R ("Enter") key will take
the modem off hook and allow you to proceed as if you were a
remote caller. All operations except file transfer are
available. In this mode, ROS will assume a connect rate as
specified by the first "RateConnect" entry in the CONFIG.ROS
file when displaying file transfer times in a file
5.4.2. Direct connection
F2 When started with the "/d" command line parameter, ROS will
bypass normal modem commands to allow high-speed direct
connection to another computer. This command initiates this
connection at the rate specified by the first "RateConnect"
entry in the CONFIG.ROS file.
5.4.3. Delayed disable
F3 This command toggles the system disable function so that
when the current user logs out, the modem will be made busy
ROS System Operations Guide
and the the bell will be sounded to indicate that ROS
available for local use. The funtion is helpful in getting
control of a busy system. While the user is still logged
in, this command may be used to alternately turn the
function on and off.
5.4.4. Disable remote I/O
F4 This command alternately disables and re-enables the output
to the remote system. Disabling the remote I/O is useful
since local operations can proceed at full speed without
waiting for the relatively slow modem. With the remote I/O
disabled, the access level of the system is temporarily set
to "AltSysop" level. When remote I/O is restored, the
access level is reinstated to its original value. The
increased access level is convenient to validate users while
they are still logged in, move files that the user could not
otherwise get to, etc.
5.4.5. Sysop initiated CHAT
F5 ROS will issue a message to the remote user and then enter
the chat mode. This command bypasses the time-of-day checks
and may be entered at any time (chat hours are restricted to
5.4.6. Signal key
F6 This command turns off the chat signal without any
indication to the user.
5.4.7. Twit key
F9 This command will cause ROS to immediately hang up on the
remote user. While the previous command is preferred to
gain system access, this command is sometimes necessary.
5.4.8. Shutdown ROS
F10 When ROS is idling, entering this command will terminate ROS
operation and return control to the operating system. ROS
will first ask if the modem should be taken off the hook to
present a busy signal to users. This is useful when the
system will be down for a short time.
ROS System Operations Guide
The sysop(s) should regularly use ROS to read mail, validate new
users, and release (or not) the new files uploaded to the system.
A check may also be made of other messages and mail to ensure
that they are appropriate to the philosophy of the system. Be-
ware of messages and mail which contain credit card numbers,
computer access codes, or other sensitive information.
Since the message file only marks messages as deleted, it should
be compressed periodically. A good way to do this is to turn on
the printer or the audit trail, list the log and message files,
then turn the printer off and purge the files. This way, a
hardcopy record is kept of all activity on the system.
Not re-using the message space was a conscious design decision to
allow the sysop to maintain a history of ALL messages entered on
the system. The events surrounding MOGUR demonstrate the need.
6.1. Sysop Sub-system
The sysop command system is accessed by typing "X" at a message,
file, or utility command sub-system prompt. This command is not
available to users below the alternate sysop access level
("AltSysop" is defined in CONFIG.ROS).
Figure 6-1 lists the sysop sub-system commands. This menu may be
displayed at any time by entering "?" (without the quotes).
Subsequent sections describe each command in detail.
Sysop Sub-system
=============== Functions =============== == System Changes ==
<A>udit trail toggle <O> Macro operations <F>ile Sub-System
<C>opy file <P>urge files <M>essage Sub-System
<D>elete file <R>edirect file <U>tility Sub-System
<E>dit user record <S>ystem directory
<L>ist system files <T>oggle printer <G>oodbye (logoff)
<N>ewin file edit
Fig. 6-1: Sysop Sub-System
ROS System Operations Guide
6.2. <A>udit trail toggle
This command allows you to create a standard ASCII text file from
any system output. The audit trail file name consists of the
system date and a numeric extension - starting with zero. For
example, the first time the audit trail is enabled on the 15th of
December 1986, the name would be 86-12-15.000. If the audit
trail were turned off and then back on later in the same day, the
file name would be 86-12-15.001.
6.3. <C>opy file
This command is only available to the primary sysop, i.e. the
individual with an access level of "PriSysop." It is used to
copy a file from the currently logged file area to another speci-
fied file area. When the copy is completed successfully, the
system will ask if the source file should be deleted.
6.4. <D>elete file
This command is only available to the primary sysop, i.e. the
individual with an access level of "PriSysop." It is used to
delete any file from the currently logged file area. Verifica-
tion is requested before the action takes place.
6.5. <E>dit user record
When this command is entered the first time, ROS will ask for the
name of the user to edit. Subsequent entries of this command
will display the record of the last user edited. The selected
user record is displayed while ROS waits for a second command.
The following sections define these secondary commands.
6.5.1. <D>elete record
ROS will prompt to verify that this is the action desired. If
so, it will delete the user and any messages addressed to or from
that user.
6.5.2. <E>dit record
The cursor will be positioned at the name field for editing using
commands identical to those used for messages (refer to the ROS
User's Guide). All fields except the time of last access are
ROS does not require precise entry of the user name to find a
record for editing. It will find the record which is equal to OR
GREATER THAN the entered name. For example, if you cannot remem-
ber how John Smith spells his last name, enter "John" for the
first name and "Smith" for the last name. ROS will find a record
ROS System Operations Guide
even if John spells his last name "Smithe."
NOTE: Similar names can result in the display of a record other
than the one desired. The sysop should verify that the desired
user record is the one displayed.
6.5.3. <N>ext record
When this command is entered, ROS will find the next (alphabeti-
cally) user record and display it for edit.
6.5.4. <P>revious record
When this command is entered, ROS will find the previous (alpha-
betically) user record and display it for edit.
6.5.5. <Q>uit edit session
When all user records have been edited, enter this command and
ROS will return to the sysop sub-system.
6.5.6. <R>egistered record
This command will search the user file for the next (alphabetic-
ally) user that has requested validation. When the user record
is displayed on the screen, all editing commands are again avail-
able. When ROS returns to the last user edited or selected, no
more records have been found.
6.5.7. <S>elect record
When this command is entered, ROS will prompt for a new user name
and then display that user for edit.
6.5.8. <V>alidate record
This command changes the access level and time allowance for the
user being edited to the values defined in CONFIG.ROS ("ValAcc"
and "ValTime"). It is more convenient than editing the user and
can be performed easily from a remote site.
6.6. <L>ist system files
When this command is entered, four secondary commands may be
entered to select which file should be listed. The following
sections define these secondary commands.
6.6.1. <A>ll system files
This command will list both the log and the message files.
ROS System Operations Guide
6.6.2. <L>og file
ROS maintains a time and date tagged list of most system opera-
tions. This command will display this list. From the informa-
tion contained in this file, the sysop can determine what kind of
activity the system is being used for, what users seem to be
having problems, what users are abusing their privileges, etc.
6.6.3. <M>essages
All messages after the specified date will be displayed in chron-
ological order.
6.6.4. <Q>uit
This command will return control to the sysop sub-system.
6.7. <N>ewin file edit
ROS hides all uploads from directory display until released by
the sysop. It stores in NEWIN.ROS the name of the uploaded file,
a short description of the file, the name of the user who sent
the file, and the time the transfer was completed. This command
allows the sysop to release the file and description for access
by normal users, hide the file and description from normal users,
delete the description (not the file itself), and edit the de-
scription. Until the file is purged (see Purge), all entries may
be freely edited by the sysop.
For example, when a user uploads a file, ROS will mark it as
hidden until the sysop has a chance to review its contents. If
appropriate, the sysop can release the file for users. At that
time, not only will the file be available in the NEWIN area for
downloading, but the description entered at upload time can be
seen by other users using the <N>ewin command in the files sub-
When the file has "aged" in the NEWIN area sufficiently, the
delete command will delete the description and mark the file as
hidden once again. The sysop file copy command (described later)
may then be used to move the file to a permanent file area.
6.8. <O> Macro operations
In addition to being able to read characters from either the
keyboard or the remote channel, ROS can read from internal char-
acter strings called "macros." These strings can be used to
execute any sequence of operations as defined by the sysop.
Since some of the system maintenance commands can take some time
to complete, macros can be very convenient.
ROS System Operations Guide
For example, the sample macro file included with ROS performs the
following operations:
Macro #1
p Purge
a All files
y Yes, really do it
n No, don't renumber messages
o Macro operations
b Begin macro
2 Number 2
^M Complete number
Macro #2
s Build a system directory
o Macro operations
b Begin macro
3 Number 3
^M Complete number
Macro #3
g Goodbye
y Yes, really do it
This use of multiple macros is only for demonstration and does
not imply that you need to use several macros for this type of
In addition to the text editing commands described in the User's
Guide, pressing "B" for <B>egin will cause ROS to prompt for the
macro number to execute. Since the macro file is a standard text
file, most text editors and word processors can also be used to
edit the MACRO.ROS file. High bits in the file, as set by Word-
Star in document mode, will confuse ROS. WordStar non-document
mode is fine.
ROS is still monitoring both the local and remote keyboards while
processing a macro so the sysop can pause (^S) or cancel (^C) a
command, but macro processing will continue until complete.
Since a carriage return is used to terminate the entry of a new
macro string, a slash (/) may be entered into the macro. When
encountered, ROS will convert this character into a carriage
return. As shown in the example, control characters may be
entered by prefixing a standard letter with a carat ("^"). For
example, CTRL-C may be inserted into a macro with the two charac-
ter string "^C".
ROS System Operations Guide
6.9. <P>urge files
This command purges and compresses selected files of deleted
entries. It processes four different files, each selectable by a
single command, or all four files together. All commands are
verified before continuing.
Sufficient disk space must be available for these operations or
ROS will report an error and terminate. Should this happen, ROS
will automatically recover from the old files the next time it is
started, but extraneous files may be left on the disk.
Purge All - This command purges all four files, i.e. it
automatically performs a purge of the log, newin, user, and
message files.
Purge Log - This command removes all entries from the log
Purge Newin - This command removes all entries marked
"deleted" in the newin file.
Purge Messages - As described in the introduction, deleting
a message only marks that message for delete. To physically
remove the message from the disk, the message files must be
Purge Users - This command deletes all users that have not
logged in within the times specified at compile time. When
a user is deleted with this command, ROS will also delete
any messages sent to or from the user.
6.10. <R>edirect file
This command moves a file from one area to another using a method
that is much faster than copying and deleting, but will only work
if both areas are on the same drive. The command syntax is
similar to <C>opy, except that after the file has been moved, it
will no longer exist in the source area so you will not be asked
if you want to delete it.
6.11. <S>ystem directory
A directory of all files in areas with access levels of "DirAcc"
(defined in CONFIG.ROS) or less is built in the LOGIN file area.
This directory can be used by remote users to speed file download
6.12. <T>oggle printer
ROS System Operations Guide
The currently assigned LST device is alternately enabled and
disabled. To prevent inadvertent toggling when no printer is
connected, this command is verified before continuing.
6.13. Other commands available to the sysop
Naturally, all the user commands are available to the sysop
including the ability to return to one of the other three command
sub-systems. These commands are discussed below as well as some
enhancements to the commands that normal users have.
6.13.1. <F>ile Transfer System
This command causes ROS to exit the sysop sub-system and enter
the file transfer sub-system.
6.13.2. <M>essage System
This command causes ROS to exit the sysop sub-system and enter
the message sub-system.
6.13.3. <U>tility System
This command causes ROS to exit the sysop sub-system and enter
the utility sub-system.
6.13.4. <G>oodbye (logoff)
This command terminates the session.
6.13.5. User command enhancements
In the message sub-system, after reading a message, the sysop
will be given the option of altering the message area or status
of the message. The options are as follow:
<D>elete mark message as deleted
<I>ndividual mark message as private
<M>ove move message to another message area (ROS
will prompt for the new area number as
defined in AREA.ROS)
<P>ublic mark message as public
<R>ead mark message as having been read
In the utility sub-system, after displaying the time and date,
ROS will allow the sysop to set these values.
When the user list is requested, ROS will allow the sysop to
ROS System Operations Guide
enter one of four parameters:
<A>ll list all users
<E>xceptional list users with an unusual access level or
time limit,
<U>nvalidated list unvalidated users only
<Q>uick produces the listing normal users can see
ROS System Operations Guide
The security of a computer system is of paramount importance when
that system is readily available through the telephone system.
To make ROS robust enough to withstand both incorrect entries and
malicious attacks against the system, a simple but effective
method is used: an access level, ranging from 0 to 255, is assig-
ned to each user with system privileges based upon this number.
In general, the higher the number, the greater the privileges the
user has.
The following access levels are recommended (set in CONFIG.ROS):
0-9 Twit - will be logged off immediately
10-19 Unvalidated user - limited message and files access
11 Registered user - has not yet been validated
20-249 Normal user - full message and files access
250-254 Alternate sysops
255 Primary sysop
The use of alternate sysops allows the primary sysop to get help
running the system without completely opening it up. While all
sysops have access to the sysop sub-system, "PriSysop" access
level is required to copy and delete files. The edit command
will operate on users of the same or lower access level.
This access level structure allows the primary sysop to affect
all user records in the system, including his own, but alternate
sysops can neither affect nor view the record of the primary
CAUTION: Since the primary sysop can edit any user record, please
take care not to lower your own access level!
ROS System Operations Guide
ROS file update utility - ROS35-36.COM
ROS35-36.COM converts version 3.5 data files into the format
expected by version 3.6. The original files will still exist but
with a file extension of "BAK" (backup). Once you are satisified
that the new files operate correctly, the backup files may be
NOTE: ROS35-36.COM will only operate correctly on standard ver-
sion 3.5 format files. Attempts to run the program using files
from other versions of ROS, including version 3.6 or modified
versions of ROS may result in output files full of junk. If this
happens, carefully determine which files are correct, the "*.ROS"
or the "*.BAK" files.
8.1. ROS Index Builder - RIB
RIB rebuilds an existing ROS user index file and recovers from
certain types of damage to the user data file. Normally, this
program is not needed, but there may be times when it can improve
or even restore system operation.
For example, while ROS re-uses deleted user records and keeps
USERDAT.ROS and USERIDX.ROS as compact as possible, you may wish
to use RIB to remove the deleted records from the file.
Another situation when RIB is useful is after a long period of
activity during which many users have been added to the system
and many others have been deleted. Using B+ trees, ROS will
always access the user file in alphabetical order, but it may do
so with quite a bit of disk activity due to the random nature of
the user data file. RIB sorts this file to minimize the disk
thrashing needed for sequential access.
The third situation in which you may need to use RIB should never
occur, but a disk failure or other serious system problem could
damage the user data or index file. If you suspect that either
of these files may be damaged, RIB should be run.
During execution, RIB will display counts of records processed
and the supported data files it is working on.
ROS System Operations Guide
Your comments and suggestions are important as they help improve
and develop ROS. Please feel free to file this report more than
once. Thanks in advance for taking the time to complete and send
this questionaire.
Your name: Date: / /
Please give a brief description of how you use ROS:
When did you first receive ROS?
Version number?
What type of computer is it used on?
What is your average usage per day?
Do you have any experience with similar products, even on other
If so, please describe:
How long have you been using computers?
Using a scale of 1-10 (1=very bad, 10=very good), please indicate
your feelings about the following:
The system performance:
The system operations manual:
The user manual:
The ease of use:
ROS System Operations Guide
The practicality or usefulness of this product:
Your overall satisfaction:
The overall satisfaction of your users:
What would you say are the BEST features of ROS?
What would you say are the WORST features of ROS?
List any extraneous or useless features:
List any enhancements you would like to see added:
Describe any problems you have encountered, including examples if
ROS System Operations Guide
Steven Fox Date: / /
2112 White Cloud NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Name, address, phone:
Product Quantity Price Each Total
ROS license fee ____ @ $35.00 = ______
Total: ______
Please make checks payable to Steven Fox.
Retain a copy of this invoice for your records.
Retain a copy of this invoice for your records.